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How to move in Together, Are you and your significant other ready to take the next step by sharing a home? Finally have the opportunity to move out of Mom and Dad’s or your college dorm with your bestie and into a great, new place? Congratulations! This is a significant turning point in your life.
Realistically, however, moving in with someone you’ve never lived with before can be difficult regardless of your situation. Not to mention the emotional side, logistics necessitate trust, communication, and a healthy dose of patience.

Yes, it will be a fresh — albeit difficult — experience, but don’t be concerned. By following a few tried-and-true tips, the enthusiasm you’re experiencing now may remain front and center, outshining any little irritations or bouts of impatience you may encounter along the way.
So, without further ado, here are some tips for moving in together.
Take some time to prepare your move before you start gathering your moving goods. After all, you don’t want to begin your new life together with a stressful, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants moving experience.
You’ll be unpacked and enjoying a movie night with your family before you realize it if you include these precise considerations in your moving preparations – and stick to them!
Okay, so this should go without saying, but just in case: Time is your ally. Maintain your advantage by not putting things off until the last minute. As soon as you decide to move in together, start planning and getting things ready.

Because moving can be costly, it’s vital to plan ahead to avoid being caught off guard by unanticipated costs. You should try to think and plan for all possible eventualities that may arise, from getting boxes to buying a new coffee maker to renting a portable storage unit.
To begin, determine whether you will need to purchase any large-ticket items or employ additional moving assistance. Make a list of your priorities and non-negotiables with your partner, then devise a financial strategy to cover them. Clear communication about needs, expectations, and finances will save your relationship during and after a tough move.
Plan how you’ll split your weekly and monthly bills after you’ve moved. Will you divide the rent equally or per room size? Or will one person pay all of the rent while the other takes care of the food and utilities? There is no one-size-fits-all approach here; talk to each other and come up with a solution that works for both of you, then stick to it.
Remember that both of you will need to feel at ease in the new area and make it your own, so think about what your new roommate requires while deciding on the items you’ll need to make it work for you. Learn to pick your battles and recognize that there are more important things in this process (and in life!) than fighting over a pillow you don’t like but holds sentimental importance for someone else.
What are some of the topics you’d like to have an open and honest discussion about? Divvying up the responsibilities and your respective lives.
You could, for example, let the dishes pile up in the sink before doing them all at once. That could irritate your lover to no end. If you prefer to go to bed early, your partner may keep you awake by watching reruns of The Office and then waking you up when they are ready for bed.
Set expectations upfront to make your situation as pleasant and painless as feasible. This isn’t the time to sugarcoat things; instead, be completely honest with one another and proceed from there. If there’s a duty you don’t mind performing that the other person despises, add it to your weekly responsibilities and delegate a chore you’d rather not do. Similarly, if you and your partner despise doing laundry, take turns doing it once a week (and decide on a day of the week to do it). Nobody will be shorted or have too much on their plate if they create a list of obligations.
Finally, have an open mind. We all have various conceptions of “normal,” and we don’t always know what is truly typical until we’ve lived in someone’s house. Some characteristics may strike you as odd and amusing – perhaps they, like Snow White, enjoy feeding the birds every morning. Others, not so much (hello, unmade beds). Keep the lines of communication open by respecting each other’s space and way of life.
Do things change when you move in together?
Inevitably, yes. But to make the transition as smooth as possible, you need some good communication. For example, make sure you agree on how you will share your appliances, the big items each of you will bring into the new space, and the items that are non-negotiable. If you make sure the expectations are clear for both parties from the get-go, you’re likely to avoid arguments (and resentment later).
When it comes to sentimental value, don’t even consider mixing your stuff with someone else’s before applying the Marie Kondo method to them – unless you enjoy packing things twice (once to move and once more to get rid of). Remove anything that doesn’t serve a purpose, is in poor condition, or doesn’t “spark delight” any longer.
Be sure to only bring things you still love and use into this already complicated situation so, that when you need to negotiate with your new housemate, it will be worth it. The last thing you need in this equation is extra clutter!
This is necessary so that you can purposefully combine both of your styles. You don’t want your new place to look like a random donation bin. Sit down and establish a plan for how you want to integrate your items and what makes the most sense in terms of determining who gets to keep their couch or workstation (unless you have a place for both).
If one of you is moving into the other’s home, you’ll need to agree on how, if at all, you’ll replace the decorations. Because that room will be your home in the future, you’ll want to make sure it reflects both of your personalities and that you feel at ease in it.
What you should never forget
Don’t forget to double-check and confirm furniture sizes to ensure that everything you’re bringing into the new location will fit!
It’s very essential to discuss with your partner on features that your new home should have. Ranging from a number of Bedrooms, Self-contained rooms, kitchen designs, and many more. This will ease up things while setting up the budget, this is because any additional feature also increases the cost.
If you are planning to buildup from the ground up, we have a perfect collection to ease up your process. Our collections can be categorized by bedroom number, style, and country-wise (liked design). Our algorithm determines which design styles are bought more in which country. To start up 3 Bedroom Design or design style like Modern. You can also do a custom design of your liking.
Keeping track of stuff is difficult enough when you’re moving, let alone when you’re combining two houses. As with any move (but especially so here! ), label and organize your belongings so that unpacking is a breeze. Make a moving inventory list of the items you and your new roommate will be bringing, and check it twice like Santa Claus. This will keep things as tidy as possible on moving day, and you won’t have to wonder where your favorite skillet is a week later.