Every home has a unique scent. There are tons of ways to freshen up your home’s overall aroma on a daily basis. Some smells require more elbow grease and patience (like, ya know, when your pup decides your carpet is a bathroom), but they’re worth it.

Smell Good: good home smell from a wooman

Top interior designers share their top tips on how to make your house smell good. From grimy microwaves to musty closets, we’ve put together a list of the best deodorizing tools. Start with the garbage disposal in your kitchen sink and work your way down.

Clean your garbage disposal.

Lemon-scented dish soap is a good way to get rid of the smell in your garbage disposal. You can also run lemon or lime rinds through the disposal, followed by lots of water. If the smell persists, pour a 1/2 cup of baking soda into the garbage disposal while running warm water.

Refresh carpets and rugs.

Plush carpets, unlike tile and hardwood floors, absorb odors like no other, especially after a slew of food spills and pet messes. Allow the baking soda to soak for a few hours before vacuuming all over the carpet, not just problem spots. If you want to address other pain points in your home, follow the same procedure for pet beds and mattresses.

Spruce up your trash can.

It’s no surprise that the mixture of scents from food scraps, leftovers, and other rubbish produces a foul stink. However, it turns out that the trash can itself can sometimes smell the worst. Sprinkle baking soda in your trash can or use a deodorizing pack or pod, such as Fresh Wave, under the can’s liner while thoroughly cleaning your kitchen. To finish, use a disinfectant spray to destroy any leftover bacteria.

Simmer herbs and fruit on the stove.

Interior designer Ruben van Diepen adds, “I got this from my crafty and cleaning-obsessed mother.” “In a small saucepan, heat water and add citrus segments and herbs such as lavender or mint.” The pleasant aroma is carried throughout your home by the heat, which can be easily modified based on the ingredients you have on hand.


Scatter candles throughout your house.

Smell Good: good breath from candles

Candles are an obvious way to fill your home with an aroma that you love, but strategic placement is a simple way to increase their efficiency. “Anchor a few candles where you would least expect them to be — but don’t light them.” Try the linen closet or any other place where materials might be found and absorb the aroma. Not only will you be greeted with a pleasant aroma every time you open the door, but your linens will also take the scent with them wherever they are used.

Bring the outside in.

Ava Obaku argues that indoor plants “clean the air while instantly enhancing your home.” Many plants have pleasant scents, such as jasmine, eucalyptus, and gardenias. Just be sure you’re ready to take care of them.

Freshen up your air vents.

Clip a car deodorizer, like this Febreze one, to the metal slats of a vent. The smell will float throughout the room as the air passes through. You’ll be able to give your entire house a consistent aroma in one fell swoop.

Deodorize with dryer sheets.

Place a few dryer sheets in closets, dressers, or other small locations,” Ruben van Diepen, who suggests going beyond the laundry room. Even if it’s been packed away for months, it gives everything a fresh-out-of-the-laundry aroma.

Similarly, at AfroHousePlans, we design all of our houses with all of these considerations in mind, from providing ample space in each room to enhancing your comfort. If you’re intending to build or renovate an existing home, we have a design ready for your request, and we’ll be there to help you from start to finish.


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