Have you considered purchasing land but believe you are unable to do so? It isn’t as costly as you may believe! You know it’s a good investment, but there’s so much to think about. If you want a better understanding of why people buy land, start with the quick overview below.

buy land image with building art

How to buy Land Without Using a Real Estate Agent

Purchasing land is far less complicated than purchasing a home. You won’t need a real estate agent or broker, and you won’t have to sign a bunch of mortgage forms that will give you headaches.

The disadvantage of buying a home through an agency is that the seller has already committed to paying a commission for the transaction, therefore you will end up paying more for the agent’s commission.

The commission raises the asking price of a piece of land by 3 to 8% over what you would pay if you bought it from a land business or a private owner. Because land businesses are frequently “mom and pop shops,” they will work very hard to offer you the greatest possible price – not one with a 5% cushion and is higher than market value.

Real estate brokers and agencies will almost certainly be unable to provide you with affordable monthly payments. They will also require a credit check as well as evidence of income. Keep in mind that not all real estate firms and agents have experience purchasing and selling land.

buy land: with map location

Where Can to Land for Sale with Owner Financing?

It’s not easy to find your ideal home. You may easily lose track of time when browsing online, getting caught in the internet’s rabbit hole. A simple Google search for “land for sale” will provide hundreds of results. Then it’s a matter of locating a seller who will provide you with owner financing. What are you meant to do if you don’t know where to begin?


Thankfully, there are a few crucial websites to check out when looking for land on the internet:


  • Posting a piece of land to Craigslist is free. 
  • Cheap land for sale may be found all around the United States, and many sellers will provide you owner financing.
  • That said, there’s a good chance you’ll run with con artists and salespeople who don’t know what they’re doing. This is a risk for you since when you buy property for sale by owner, you’re relying on the owner to ensure that the property is free of debts or liens and that the title chain is clear.

Land.com Network

  • This behemoth owns Lands of America, Land and Farm, and LandWatch, among other popular land-buying and-selling websites. Because listings on this site are paid, you’ll find more serious and devoted merchants here.
  • There will also be a large number of realtors and brokers. Buying and selling property through a realtor, in my experience, is quite tough. It’s difficult for them to prioritize properties because their commission on land is so minimal compared to residences and multi-family complexes. If you contact a realtor through the Lands to enquire about a house, be aware that you will very certainly be required to give proof of income as well as a credit check.
  • On this site, you’ll also find a number of land investment firms, such as Compass Land USA. When it comes to owner financing, many of these companies don’t require proof of income.


  • Another free site for sellers to post land on. 
  • On eBay, there is a tendency to focus on lower-cost, lower-end assets. This is due to the fact that in an auction situation, the seller runs the danger of not receiving the intended price for their property.
  • You must be wary of scammers, just as you must be wary of Craigslist. Avoid vendor profiles with no ratings or reviews that are brand new. Remember that there’s a chance the seller won’t know what they’re doing and won’t be able to complete the transaction effectively.
  • It might be tough to find owner finance land here. You can try negotiating with the seller before you place a bid.


  • There are a lot of sellers on Facebook who provides owner financing on properties!
  • Because most people already have a Facebook and Facebook Messenger account, joining Buy/Sell groups and looking at homes for sale on Facebook Marketplace will be simple.
  • There are various Facebook groups dedicated to land for sale; simply search for ‘land for sale (Your Home Town)’ and then select ‘Groups’ from the results.


  • This website has a large number of houses for sale and receives a lot of traffic.
  • You can refine your search to ‘land,’ then further refine it to your price range and the amount of acreage you require.
  • You don’t have to be a realtor to utilize it, and you can post as an owner, but many realtors do.
  • If you locate a home you like, send a message to the seller to ask if they demand a credit check or charge interest.

Three Land Buying Tips

buy land with bitcoin

It’s simple to purchase land if you’ve found a place you love and want to call your own. It’s similar to purchasing a television or a t-shirt. You know what you desire, and you exchange the product’s monetary value for ownership.

There are a few factors you should keep in mind when deciding how you’ll pay for the home. The land is simple to purchase, but it can be difficult to completely comprehend. There could be a slew of possible issues lurking beneath the surface (pun intended).

All jokes aside, there are three major qualities of the property that you should be aware of before purchasing it:


Is it easy to find the property on Google Maps? Is the property accessible or is it landlocked? Is it accessible through easement, gravel road, or paved road? Is there any future resale value?


Zoning laws in your county define what you can and can’t do with your land. That’s why you don’t have a Walmart in your backyard and instead have a next-door neighbor. Make sure the zoning allows you to do what you want with the land, such as build a house or go hunting. Using the property’s parcel number, you may simply check this with the County.



What kinds of public services are available? This may not affect you if you’re shopping for leisure or investment property. Utility costs could make or break your house purchase for everyone else. It’s possible that the site won’t be buildable if one or more of the basics (water, sewage, and electricity) aren’t available.

How Can You Buy Land?

You can acquire land in one of two ways: with cash or with owner financing. When you buy a house with cash, you pay the whole price of the house at the time of purchase (like that t-shirt from your favorite store).

When you buy a home through owner financing, you pay for it in monthly installments over time and then take possession after it’s paid for in full (like mortgage payments on your house).

By putting nearly no money down and without having to worry about a credit check or proof of income, you may take advantage of owner financing.

How to Owner Finance Land

If you have the cash, buying land with cash is the most convenient option. This is how land should be financed by the owner.

To begin, speak with the seller and inform them that you are interested in the owner financing their property – be specific. This is an important step that you should not skip! Make sure you ask them whether the title chain is clear and if the property has any outstanding taxes or liens. You can double-check with the County offices or an online database that the property’s title is clear and that no debts are outstanding by using the parcel number.

  1. You should receive a Promissory Note, a Contract for Deed, and a Land Sale Contract for your review (not all 3 documents are required, depends who the seller is). The contract should include information on the property you’re buying, such as the property number, address, and legal description, as well as the owner finance plan you’ve agreed to. You should be listed as the Grantee, and the vendor should be shown as the Grantor. It should also include the property’s agreed-upon purchase price as well as any additional expenses.
  2. The documentation will be signed by both you and the vendor. This is frequently accomplished via an internet service such as DocuSign or SignNow. If you utilize this service, signed copies will be automatically emailed to both you and the seller.
  3. Your down payment and documentation fee will almost certainly be requested by the vendor. If you’re buying with a debit or credit card online, make sure the seller has a secure and safe checkout option.
  4. Important: Do not send money until you have a signed copy of the Promissory Note, Deed Contract, and Land Sale Contract! Otherwise, you risk paying money and having little legal recourse if the merchant tries to defraud you.
  5. The vendor should now assist you in setting up monthly payments on autopilot. GeekPay, Heartland, and Stripe are just a few of the payment processors that can be used. The first payment will most likely be required 30 days after signing.

Your Bottom Line on How to Buy Land with Little Money

There is no barrier to entry once people grasp the benefits of land ownership — buying land is a very straightforward process. And purchasing land does not necessitate a large sum of money!

Often, land businesses may have buyer lists that you can join for some truly nice discounts (such as $50 down).

Check through previous customer reviews to ensure you’re dealing with a trustworthy vendor or land firm. Of course, there are some elements to consider before making a purchase, such as the property’s location, zoning, and utilities available.

It’s simple to finance land using your own money. Many land businesses will allow you to begin using the property as soon as the down payment is received.


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